We are conservation developers and consultants,
landowners, and breeders of registered American
Quarter Horses. Our 1400+/- acre operation in
Gunnison County, Colorado
lies just south of Blue Mesa Lake and borders
Curecanti National Recreation Area.
Under our stewardship since 1994, the 1400 acre
property is shared with homeowners, horses and
native wildlife (including the elusive
Gunnison sage grouse). Conservation
easements have been donated to
The Nature Conservancy
to insure the long term viability of the ecosystem.
We are committed to sharing the property with a
handful of people who echo our passion for the past
and vision for the future.
Similarly, our quarter horse program combines solid
bloodlines of the past (e.g. Quick M Silver and
Three Bars) with a natural environment that provides
foals and mares lots of room to roam and grow.
In short, we believe, there’s no better partner than
Mother Nature.